donderdag 4 september 2014

A little blurb // a resolution

What if I wrote a little blurb here every day. Just some thoughts. For myself.
Something to bring rhythm to a life that's currently lacking that.

My name is Rik. I'm 40 years old and I live in Antwerp, Belgium.
I'm an aspiring comic, and when I grow up I want to become a dive instructor.
I live in a beautiful apartment with a fantastic view of our city.

I share this apartment with my beautiful girlfriend Klaartje.

I used to own a bar here in the city. That was a lot of fun, but unfortunately a bit of a financial disaster.

Before that I used to be a social worker, and before that I was an actor. Not a very successful one.

Right now I'm in between jobs. I'm trying to come up with an idea for a job that I can get passionate about.

It's kind of hard reinventing yourself when you're 40. At any age I guess.

Here's a picture of me and my girlfriend diving in Mexico a few months ago.

This picture was taken by our diving buddy and instructor Jo Swannell.

I'm very happy in this picture.

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